Life is Strange is a series of award-winning and critically-acclaimed narrative adventure games. Discover a universe where everyday heroes wield supernatural powers, while dealing with real challenges, real relationships, and real emotions. It's our world... with a twist of the strange. No matter your choices, the experience will stay with you forever.
Alex Chen hides her 'curse': the supernatural ability to absorb and manipulate the strong emotions of others. When her brother dies in a so-called accident, she must embrace her volatile power to find the truth — and reveal dark secrets buried by the town.
Deep in the mountains of Colorado, you'll find Haven Springs, a small mining town filled with beauty and mystery. As Alex, you'll discover the shocking secrets behind your brother’s death in an emotional roller-coaster of an adventure, using your psychic power of Empathy to change fate and change lives.
Change fate and change lives with the psychic power of Empathy.
And decide Alex's style, with up to 24 outfits in your wardrobe.
Discover the shocking secrets behind your brother’s death in an emotional roller-coaster of an adventure.
Build trust with the townsfolk – and embrace friendship or romance with Ryan and Steph.
Make tough decisions and choose your own future. Freely roam the streets, stores, and hidden spaces of Haven Springs and meet unforgettable characters.
New tracks by mxmtoon and Novo Amor, and extensive licensed songs including Radiohead, Phoebe Bridgers, Gabrielle Aplin, and more.
Digital only
Digital only